Server being hammered
Incident Report for RiiConnect24
Our server has been acting slow. This is not because anyone "farted on the VPS".

Under investigation, it turns out that an endpoint we have to convert and render Miis was being hammered (12k requests in the last 4 hours). Luckily we know what happened - it was because someone just launched a Discord bot to grab Miis from Mario Kart Wii rankings and everyone was using it.

We temporarily disabled the renderer and we will get them to do the rendering on our servers (so they don't hotlink). We also limited our whole server to only serve a maximum of 3 requests per seconds, which should be enough. (Been wanting to do that for a long time).

Sorry about that... I'm striving to have a week with 100% uptime, and we're getting close.
Posted Apr 03, 2021 - 12:35 CST
This incident affected: Services (Forecast Channel, News Channel, Everybody Votes Channel, Nintendo Channel, Check Mii Out Channel/Mii Contest Channel), Patchers (RiiConnect24 Patcher - Patching, RiiConnect24 Patcher - Error reporting), Wii Mail (Server, SendGrid - Sending Mail, SendGrid - Receiving Mail), Server (Cloudflare DNS), and RiiConnect24 Bot, RSSMii, RiiTag.